Monday, July 5, 2021

Quick and Lazy Ubuntu Docker Instance with OpenJDK

Java being my language of choice (even though I also know VB, Python, x86 Assembly, JavaScript), I always need a Docker instance with the latest JDK installed. Helps me also isolate my projects and make it deployable anywhere I need.

Contents of the Docker file to create a "Quick and Lazy Ubuntu Docker Instance with OpenJDK"

#Dockerfile starts here

FROM ubuntu:latest

MAINTAINER "Kedar Koppikar"

RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y default-jdk

#Dockerfile ends here

Practical Leadership: Delegate the right way

Delegation is a important aspect of Leadership, it also has a high chance of failure OR at best is done mediocrely without any innovation.

Some Leaders feel that if you just tell your reportee what to do, that is Delegating. Others feel that Delegating means micromanaging the engagement to death. But Delegating is more of a journey and less of a one time explanation.

The right way to Delegate for a Leader which has had a rather high rate of success is 

1) Check which of your reportees may be interested to get this task (eg: someone who wants in move to a management role in the future)

2) Explain the tasks related to the Delegated activity

3) Get the reportee introduced to the various stakeholders and inform the stakeholders of the delegation.

4) Show them how to do it once/couple of times as needed, yet encourage them to follow their own way / customize as needed.

5) Check in from time to time on Progress / solve any concerns. 

  • Don't micromanage
  • Frequently of checkin should be low to begin with and should reduce further as delegation activity matures.

6) Don't just give the task, give authority to perform the task.

7) Appreciate the reportee for taking up the task in a wider forum.

Do and Dont's while getting your Home Renovated

DO's 1) Ask for a 3D design of the interior design 2) Look at actual laminates / colors and choose accordingly rather than rely on the r...