Yet another Business Logic and Rapid Application Development platform!
It is said that "Necessity is the mother of invention", that is certainly true in this case.
One of my friends who runs a startup and has an Application that allows Medical Staff and Patients to schedule an appointment with a Doctor and provide real time information on delays in the appointment times has a been a boon for people who are busy as well as makes wait times bearable.
The other day a conversation with this friend went like this
Friend: Software Development requires time and is costly.
Me: But as you using Java + Spring Boot + React, that should be easy (that's the developer in me speaking)
Friend: Writing an app is Java + Spring Boot + React makes it easier, but still it not easy enough as well as costs quite a bit.
For a small startup like ours its a big pain on the path to profitability.
Me: Have you tried Sales Force OR BMC Remedy.
Friend: Those solution's are very costly and require substantial training.
Me: What about Business Process Management tools, may be the open source ones?
Friend: It takes care of the cost, still have to learn a lot.
Me: hmm
Friend: I need something that is easy and open source at the same time, setup time should be minimal and should be intuitive enough. Yet powerful enough to allow us to write our business logic.
Thus was born this idea.
A Open Source Business Logic and Rapid Application Development platform that will be extremely easy, be usable on most OS's and Open Source yet not sacrificing flexibility or power.
Thus Pinaka was born.
More in my next post.